Customised training programmes for your organisation.
LB training offers legal training, talks, seminars, workshops, case studies and our unique GameShop™, which promise high levels of engagement.
Our trainings encompass both the basic theoretical knowledge of the subject and the practical application of the same to real-life issues and cases. These programmes are designed to build the participants’ competence, knowledge and skills on the selected area of law so that they are able to fulfill the needs and goals of your organisation.
LB training’s bespoke programmes by way of in-house trainings will be customised to focus on the-actual issues and cases faced by your organisation. We will conduct a learning needs assessment before the training to design the programme specifically for your organisation and thereafter provide the possible strategies and solutions you need. An impact assessment review of the training will be held at the conclusion of the training.
View All Programmes
Due Diligence
Learn to plan, carry out, host, and document a due diligence exercise.
Learn how to draft contracts, manage legal risks and enforce legal rights.
Crime and Fraud Prevention
Take practical steps when faced with cases of dishonesty, misappropriation, and fraud by using criminal law and working with law enforcement agencies.
Corporate and Commercial Issues
A 101 on the Companies Act. How are companies organised and managed.
Joint Venture and Shareholders’ Agreement
Gain a better understanding of all key elements of agreements and key issues in documenting joint ventures and shareholder relationships.
Personal Data Protection
A comprehensive guide to the principles and compliance obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.
Property Development
A step-by-step guide on the legal aspects of property development law in Malaysia.
Civil Litigation
Protect yourself in the lead-up and in the course of litigation.
Media and Entertainment Law
How to protect your artistry; for artistes, members of the music, television, media, recording and entertainment industry.
Intellectual Property
A must for content creators. Protect your intellectual property creation through various available legal channels.
Competition Law
Be informed and keep up to date with the Competition Act 2010, which came into force in January 2012.
Employment Law
Equip yourself with knowledge and understanding of key aspects of employment law.
Get in touch with the LB Training team now to discuss your organisation’s training needs or arrange for a free consultation session.